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*** Wired Kids Choice Award *** PopMath is a fun way for kids to practice basic math. Six pairs of bubbles with numbers float on the screen above beautiful backgrounds. Each bubble contains a number: simply pop the corresponding bubbles! As you progress through levels, numbers increase, and new operators are introduced: subtraction, multiplication and division. Each level's end greets you with your time for that level and a message personalized to your performance, from "well done" to "unbelievable!" You can also choose a specific operator before starting each round: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Numbers go up to 1000 for addition and subtraction, and 20 for multiplication and division. ***有線兒童選擇獎*** PopMath是一個有趣的方式讓孩子們練習基本的數學。 六對數字的氣泡漂浮在屏幕上美麗的背景之上。每個氣泡中包含一個數字:簡單地彈出相應的氣泡! 正如你進步,通過水平,數量日益增多,新的運營商介紹:減法,乘法和除法。 每個級別的結束,迎接你與你的時間,級別和個性化的消息你的表現,“做得好”“難以置信!” 您也可以選擇開始每一輪之前,特定的運算:加法,減法,乘法或除法。 數字高達1000加法和減法,乘法和除法20。