Feist is a multi-award winning, beautifully handcrafted action game. It follows the story of a fragile little fur creature and its desperate attempt to rescue i...
Feist is a multi-award winning, beautifully handcrafted action game. It follows the story of a fragile little fur creature and its desperate attempt to rescue its mate from the clutches of a pack of malicious predators. The journey to the heart of a mysterious forest soon becomes a savage and merciless fight for survival as everything in this meerizing but deadly environment wants to eat you. Awards and Recognition: ? Unity Awards: Best Overall Design ? Unity Awards: Best Visual Design ? IGF Finalist in Excellence in Visual Arts ? Fantastic Arcade Spotlight ? Fantastic Arcade Audience Award 2nd Place ? GDC Best in Play ? Swiss Games Selection ? Alexander Clavel Foundation – Culture Award ? SGDA –Swiss Game Award “RECOMMENDED: There's a purity of vision in its savage scenarios.” - EuroGamer “The most brutal thing about Feist is how desperate its encounters are: they’re protracted, stressful, improvised fights to the death. Feist is remarkably tense for a platformer. The world’s tension is heightened by the music: a quiet, forlorn ambience shrouding the woods of Feist in a supernatural melancholy. There are moments of startling beauty in Feist.” - PC Gamer “Feist looks phenomenal. The look, described as "a cinematic physical-effects style reminiscent of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal, or Hedgehog in the Fog," is brilliant. Some of the best game art I've seen.” - Destructoid "Handmade like an Aston Martin, imagined as art, loved as a child. Feist almost never reveals itself as a game while you’re playing it, which is an absolute triumph today." – Clickindie "A fine magical tone to the world." – Rock Paper Shotgun Key Features: ? A desperate and merciless fight for survival ? A striking visual style ? A rich and vivid world full of strange beasts ? A dynamic gameplay. All elements play together and contribute to the game beyond their core function ? Enemies with surprising emergent interactions, a complex AI and a set of versatile abilities ? Gorgeous natural environments and an enchanting, spooky atmosphere ? A true labor of love full of details ? A haunting soundtrack by Tomek Kolczynski ? Full gamepad support ? Achievements ? Fully translated to French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified & Traditional Chinese
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九游玩家7lyv5l3o... 來自于 九游APP 2020-02-13 00:22
九游玩家66077716... 來自于 九游APP 2018-10-13 17:22
我在電腦上玩過, 還是不錯的,有點limdo 的背景。