Sequel to one of Google Play's #1 puzzle games, The Guides Axiom introduces a myriad of entirely new codes, puzzles and interactive ciphers to challenge your wit, stretch your imagination and test your ingenuity in unique and innovative ways. Simply stated, they’re not easy. Progressing will be difficult, but you have the appropriate tools at your disposal. Everything you need to proceed is — or has been — provided. Look for clues and patterns to build on what you have learned. Remember what you have seen as for no detail is too subtle or insignificant. As you explore deeper, you’ll begin to unravel the enigma of The Guides Axiom. Peculiar, isn't it? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Features: ? Includes more than 100 meticulously designed interactive puzzles, ciphers and secrets to discover — with many more on the way. ? Integrated decoding tools — including morse, binary and several others — to assist you on your journey. ? Reimagined level select system and nonlinear gameplay give you the freedom to explore a much broader path. ? Ability to save screenshots and record notes to help keep track of invaluable clues. ? Stuck? Extract a hint by using a Hack to obtain the inspiration needed to move forward. ? There are many layers of complexity so don't assume a puzzle has only one solution. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Official Site: theguidesapp.com General Inquiries: info@theguidesapp.com Twitter: twitter.com/theguidesapp
長生無你不成仙 來自于 九游APP 2017-09-13 17:02
感覺不學摩爾斯密碼,這游戲沒法玩啦。 超級喜歡這種解密游戲,逃脫游戲之類的……大多都是娛樂性比較強。 如果要為了這個游戲真的買了編程教學書,我也會毫無猶豫的。 第一次見到這種純解密的游戲真的很感興趣。
幼稚園殺手jh 來自于 九游APP 2017-09-13 09:25
所有游戲中最燒腦,最引人入勝的大作了! 別具匠心的解密過程,十分美觀的游戲界面。 是目前解密游戲中,最新奇的存在。 期待中文版之時,可以完整的感受一遍游戲劇情。 當然,如果我的英文水平在那時候提升了,那也還好吧。
豌豆0hc2zk 來自于 九游APP 2017-09-12 23:03
謎題方面我還是看了不少游戲內提示的,這游戲的難度幾乎都在腦洞對不對的地方,讓你靈機一動。 沒對上的就卡死 這時候游戲內部提示就相當重要了。 這游戲做的真不錯,逼格全程爆表,簡直滿得要溢出來了。 只需要接觸幾個最基本的概念就能順利游戲了,這些最基本的概念倒騰出如此逼格,我也是佩服不已了。