THIS IS A BETA RELEASE. THERE MAY BE BUGS OR ISSUES ON CERTAIN DEVICES.Jump on platforms, pull off awesome combos and contribute to science in the process!jumpr is a game I developed as part of a thesis for my studies of Digital Media. I'm using it to conduct a study, the exact nature of which cannot be revealed (yet), because it would influence the results. By playing the game, you consent to participating in this study. But don't worry, you don't have to do much except play the game and optionally provide some feedback.During the course of the experiment, jumpr will send information about how you interact with the game (and some other basic info such as screen resolution, etc.) via the internet. The information gathered is kept to a minimum, it is not personally identifiable and will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating the results of the experiment.If you have any questions, requests, feedback or issues, let me know at josh@jumprgame.com.