克萊奧配置要求怎么樣?克萊奧的配置要求不高,大部分玩家都能滿足游戲運行需求,下面小編就帶來克萊奧配置要求一覽,一起來看看吧。 克萊奧配置要求一覽 克萊奧...[詳情]
In Cleo, the objective is to feed the little hungry mouse named Cleo while avoiding all the traps. How to get rid of them? Move a stone into them to remove them, taking into account that only one stone can be pushed at a time and that Cleo cannot walk through stones or walls. This Game is a mix between Sokoban/Boxman and Miner. Cleo is, a complex puzzle game which only finishes when he's eaten all the pieces of cheese, one way or another. The controls are easy to learn: simply use the four ar...