50% off all purchases for a limited time!!! Surf for your life across the galaxy! An inevitable destructive force is after you... The end of the universe! Your only hope? You can cheat death by rewinding time! Get ready for the most adrenaline-pumping surf of the year! PRESS "Time Surfer is blazing fast" -- Indie Games "Time Surfer is a glorious mess of bright colors, pixel art and the most upbeat of chiptunes." -- TouchArcade (4.5 stars) "…leaving you with a wide, faraway grin on your space battered face." -- PocketGamer (8/10) "The Time Surfer soundtrack is more than just a single piece of music—it's a journey." -- Kotaku "The most promising runner I’ve seen in a long while." -- IGN "From the old school visuals to the thrilling gameplay, you need this title in your life." -- GameTrailers.com "A great example of how a fun idea can be iterated upon." -- 148 Apps (4 stars) CONTROLS, NO COMPROMISE Two touch gameplay keeps everything easy to reach and easy to play. Touch with your right thumb to dive. Touch with your left thumb to rewind time. It couldn’t be simpler. EVERYTHING ENDS, AGAIN AND AGAIN Dodge spikes, pits and the end of the universe - it’s a typical, never-ending day in the life of a trans-dimensional coic time god! Pick up speed, magnet and time bonuses! Miss one? Rewind and grab it! RANK UP, PET OUT Complete missions to unlock new pets and earn Space Cakes to feed them. Little dudes like Axolotl, Squid Scholar or Robo-Duck will join your surf and give you crazy new abilities! GORGEOUS VISUALS Transition through beautiful high-resolution landscapes. Immerse yourself in a starry night as you surf, bounce and fly through various zones with different hazards and scenery! BACK IN THE GOOD OLD 80’S Psychedelic visuals backed up by numerous references to 80’s icons, including a police box, a time-travelling car and the monkey king on a cloud. UP THE ANTE Surf through “Hell Zone” and turn the difficulty up to 11 with a spike-infested gauntlet or try the Kepler Run, a surreal flight through a galaxy swamped with black holes. For those who really love a challenge. A HAUNTING SOUNDTRACK A spacey, hand-crafted chip-tune soundtrack reflects on Time Surfer’s inevitable doom yet eternal existence. Living forever is both a blessing and a curse. == About Us == We also made Bean’s Quest! An award-winning platformer for mobile devices. Check it out if you are looking for a classic platformer with elegant controls! Say hello@kumobius.com we’d love to hear from you! Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/TimeSurferGame Follow us on Twitter: @kumobius
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